Empress Xie

Empress Xie

classification: Science fiction
update: 13分鐘前

The voice was soft, but both palaces heard it. 。The elder of the two, Qinghe, said, "I'll go borrow a pair of boat shoes to prop myself up. Two nights should be enough." 。Xie Ning was pondering what he could eat for lunch. As someone of his status, it was said that he couldn't order dishes, he could only eat according to the set portions, whatever the kitchen served. 。When you encounter something edible, of course it's a stroke of luck, but the probability isn't very high. Most of the time what is sent over is food that isn't very appealing or that one wouldn't want to eat in the first place. 。,A powerful eunuch and a low-ranking, unfavored scholar - anyone who isn't stupid knows who has the upper hand. 。Grandmaster Zhou was courteous. 。Xie Ning greeted the guests politely. 。,Zhou Bingchen smiled brightly: "The talented person is overjoyed, let's congratulate the talented person." 。Xie Ning was momentarily stunned, but Qing He immediately reacted, a smile blooming on her face. She said cheerfully, "Master Xie has always looked after our Ying Xiang Ge. As talented individuals, we are fortunate to have received such grace and will never forget Master Xie's guidance and care." 。Xie Ning was a beat slower than the lotus, just now understanding Zhou Bingchen's words. 。。

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