

author: at a glance
classification: metropolis
update: 2024年08月31日

Such a profound historical and cultural heritage has also created Luochuan's unique historical and cultural atmosphere. Luochuan is commonly known as "dig three feet into the ground, you'll find treasures." From ancient times to the present, it has been a gathering place for antique dealers of all walks of life, which has in turn boosted the prosperity of Luochuan's antique market. Just as everyone in Beijing talks about politics, when you arrive in Luochuan, you'll hear nothing but things related to antiques.,Su Xiaofan wasn't in a rush to the restroom, but his right eyelid was twitching uncontrollably. The last time he experienced this was when he was eleven years old, in fifth grade. Back then, for an assignment on doing good deeds, Su Xiaofan had insisted on helping an eighty-year-old woman who had just crossed the street. He pushed her back across the road and she fell hard, resulting in a chase from the woman's grandson down three streets. If he hadn't known the area well, he would have definitely gotten a beating.,Su Xiaofan had been running a stall in the antique market for two years, Zheng Dagang always treated him like his little brother. Now that something happened, he naturally wouldn't back down. He stepped forward, putting himself between Su Xiaofan and the others, and said: "Several big brothers, let's talk this out. Xiaofan is young, if he has offended anyone, I will apologize for him."。

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